“He who angers you conquers you” (Elizabeth Kenny). Arguing leaves one and typically both sides at a loss, especially in marital relationships and through argumentative parenting. Do not be a fault finder and persistently tell people what they are doing wrong. Instead, genuinely praise the other person first and then make your requests known tactfully. Ask yourself what the other person wants that will encourage, inspire, and motivate him or her to accomplish a specific objective. Don’t become angry and let fuming out on others only reap their resentment and possible defiance in return.

“Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one” (Benjamin Franklin). We cannot be peaceful and angry at the same time. Remember, delay smothers and soothes the blazing fiery emotions of anger. People may not recall what you said, but they remember how you made them feel. Do not let your emotions of anger fester overnight being our subconscious minds are constantly working for or against us 24 hours daily. Minimize and eradicate anger by using your conscious mind to forgive and give thanks, often. Gratitude leads to happiness, not the other way around.

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